In a partnership between the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) and the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), Professor Gabriel Rocha launched the book “Formulation of Pig Feed”. The publication is directed to small and medium producers of pigs, as well as students of technical courses in agriculture and of graduation in Agronomy, Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, and related areas.
In the book are presented basic but relevant concepts of nutrition, requirement, digestive physiology of the pigs and on the main ingredients used in the rations and their limitations to finally arrive at the formulation of rations. In addition, the methods used for formulating feeds are described, with respective practical examples to facilitate the understanding of the reader.
The idea of writing the book was born in a conversation between professors Gabriel Rocha and Valdir Ribeiro Junior together with the student of professional master’s degree Henrique Brand (UFV). “We wanted to produce something that was simple and accessible to everyone interested in swine farming, especially to those in the field.”
The book can be purchased at this link.